Emmelie Zipson

Emmelie is a Dutch-English (native speaker) experienced host and moderator, from intimate live streams to large-scale events. Energetic, colorful and an authority on stage; a few characteristics clients use when describing her.

After a career in theatre and television, moderating was a logical step; Her enthusiasm is contagious and her mainspring is to connect people with each other. She literally brings a room alive. 

With natural interaction and a talent for engaging participants, she leads discussions, poses sharp questions to CEO’s, and keeps participants actively engaged, both offline and online. Her broad experience in various sectors makes her versatile and adaptable. She assists in program development and can also serve as a session leader or panel discussion moderator. Her passion for connection and her commitment to themes such as human rights, our climate and leadership make her a valuable asset to any event.


Emmelie Zipson | Official Bookings | Speakers Academy