Transforming Waste of Materials into Mountains of Wealth

Transforming Waste of Materials into Mountains of Wealth
We are starting to realize that a global change has to be made to preserve our planet. Instead of seeing this required change as a setback, we should realize the huge potential that it comes with. Like climbers deploying creative solutions to have enough energy and supplies for the ascent, businesses can transform material waste into wealth by adopting sustainable practices and maximizing resource efficiency. With corporate social responsibility already being an important part of business practices for the past decades, the sustainability of business practices now moves even further into the spotlight. Efficient waste management, and the creation of value from waste not only contributes to the wealth of businesses individually. The welfare of our current, and future society can be significantly affected by the decisions we make right now. How can businesses utilize the potential of materials that are currently considered waste, to instead create value, drive innovation, and contribute to a more sustainable future economy? What are examples of creative solutions that create value from materials that would previously be considered waste? Groundbreaking strategies that not only minimize material waste but also generate new value are at our feet, and ready to be explored.