Sign up FEB Alumni - Conference Day

You indicated that you want to sign up as FEB Alumni for Conference Day (4th of October). Click here to see the program of this day once more.

As alumni, you are automatically enrolled for the general lunch and masterclasses instead of the recruitment lunch and workshops.

Please fill in the registration form below and do not forget to follow us on InstagramLinkedIn & Facebook in order to stay up to date with the latest developments.

The deadline is on the 22nd of September 13:00!

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Personal details

Please provide your personal details below.

Parallel lectures

Economic Parallel – Jos Baeten (CEO a.s.r.) & Maarten Edixhoven (CEO Van Lanschot Kempen)

Business Parallel –  Anneke Keller (CTO PostNL) & Jasper van den Driest (CEO Vandebron)

Donor/no donor



Billing information

The participation fee for Conference Day is €35,- for FEB Alumni. Please fill in the billing information below.

If you are a donorparticipation is free of charge. The fee will not be debited from your account.

If you want to become a donor, participation is also free of charge*. You can find the form here: 


* Make sure the form is completed before the 4th of october, otherwise €35 has to be paid on the day itself. 



Bank Information

In accordance with the terms and conditions of the EBF Conference 2024, when you buy tickets for the EBF Conference the fee of €45 will be charged.

Please provide below the bank information of the account you would like to use for paying the €35,- fee.

Terms and conditions

Download the Terms and Conditions here.

Confirm not a robot

Please complete the expression to confirm you are not a robot, and use digits when answering.