Xandra Hommes

Xandra Hommes
Hi, my name is Xandra Hommes and I am 20 years old. This year I will be fulfilling the position of Logistics I and Theme & Speakers II within the EBF Conference Board 2023-2024. Currently, I am studying International Business which I will finish after my board year with an internship. After this, I am planning to choose a master in the direction of either Supply Chain Management or International Financial Management. In my spare time, I like to hang out with my friends to drink a beer and play tennis every now and then.
My function entails keeping contact with the different parties involved such as the catering, the venue, and the technique. It is my responsibility that everything runs smoothly on the 3rd and 4th of October. Therefore I will also be making the scripts for the entire board and other parties involved. My other task is working out the themes for this year and acquiring speakers for these themes.